About me


I'm Jenny Jones and I'm a spiritual healer, and I am a member of The Healing Trust (NFSH).

I now live in Draycott, near Cheddar and I have been channelling healing now for over twenty years. During this time, I have learned a lot about human nature, what motivates people and, specifically, their attitude to their health conditions.

The healing room is a safe space in which to release the feelings and emotions that build up over the years and which bring us to whatever level of health and fitness we are now experiencing. It has been a journey of discovery to my current understanding which is that healing is about much more than the orthodox treatments we take for granted. The body is not a robotic machine; it is a complex collection of different systems that are controlled by the mind. The brain is physical; the mind is spiritual.

The dimension in which we currently reside is like a 'psychological bootcamp', which can be brutal and desolate for many people - but we have to take responsibility for the fact that we have made it this way through our response to what is brought to us on a daily basis.

The world can, in fact, be a loving, kind and gentle place for each of us if we choose to view it that way and allow that view to influence everything we say and do. Since we are all one, the way we think and act on our thoughts will be transmitted to every other soul - this is how we spread negativity or love. We are that powerful because we are all spirits first.

This website has been created for anyone to visit who is interested in developing themselves spiritually but not by seeking to separate themselves from the world and the other souls in it; rather by finding the connections with everything and every other soul on the planet.

The site has deliberately been made simple and straightforward because that is how I try to live my life. A simple life is one that leaves room for the greatest joy and happiness, appreciating the healing quality of nature, music, art and literature as well as the beauty of relationships with all other souls.

I hope you enjoy what you read and please email me with your feedback or your questions if you have any.

If you would like to request distant healing for yourself or someone else, please click here